When considering building a pond, most people think of using more conventional materials like concrete, rubber liners, stone, block or brick; but what about a plywood pond? Is it even possible? Of course it is. In fact there have been plenty of DIY pond builders who have successfully built plywood ponds and tanks and used Pond Shield to waterproof them.
Right now more and more people are building their own ponds and tanks with less expensive materials. For example a quick search on Google for DIY hydroponics tables or grow beds will yield a fair amount of web pages that revolve around creating your own system. Some of these search results even include instructions about waterproofing the wood prior to use.
There are also plenty of clubs and forums on the Internet that revolve around building a plywood pond or aquarium as well. This is mainly because the average do it yourselfer does not need a lot of specialized knowledge or skills in order to build these structures. The method of construction, as long as it is stout, will tend to last quite a while and at an extremely discounted cost.
The main thing to remember with wood is that it is going to bow unlike almost any other constructed surface. This means that you will need to take extra care when building your plywood pond. The last thing you want is all of your work to be washed away because of a faulty seam, for example.
There is a great starter article in the Wood pond section called “Building a Wooden Pond or Tank” that can give you a pretty good idea as to how to construct your own plywood pond. Though, the article describes a method of overkill in regards to construction, there are a lot of lessons that can be applied to your own construction method. Once the unit is built, it can be coated with Pond Shield and be put into service in as little as 24 hours.